Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Fun

So, Madelyn got a new shirt yesterday in the mail from Grandma Dolly and we had to wear it today. The not so good news - Madelyn participated in snack time for the first time today at daycare. Evidence: All over her shirt collar!

I know I've posted that she has her first tooth. We finally got a fairly good shot of the new tooth. It only took Jonathan holding her mouth open and me taking the picture. It felt more like a dental exam than a photo shoot.

Madelyn and Gracie have a very special bond. I swear Gracie was never this affectionate with even me! She will intentionally lay next to Madelyn just so she gets rubbed and cuddled. Here's how it played out this evening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

did she end up with a hair ball? love the tooth shot!