Saturday, July 30, 2011

Weekends were made for make believe. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

The latelys

Yes, I think I just made up that word. I think it's kind of catchy. Since it's not a word, I'll go ahead and define it for you.

plural; used to make up for lost time and list multiple items of late; see also 'lately' {and I like this spelling rather than latelies.}

Anyhow, we've been busy doing a little of this and a little of that. And I've been thinking - this blog has become nearly 100% about our child. Now granted she pretty much rules the roost, but the hubs and I try to maintain some sort of sanity and do things that might be interesting, too. So, I'm going to try and make things a bit more balanced and fascinating. Because that's how I roll.

For those that don't know, we're expecting our second child - due this December. Gender as of today is it's a boy! I'll try and give you some pregnancy updates, but spare some of the yucky details that I don't think anyone cares to read about. And maybe, just maybe, I'll post a belly pic {or two.} I only took a few with Miss M and I imagine it will be more of the same with Baby 2. And I may or may not have purchased this nail polish {only $3!} over a week ago in hopes/feelings/premonitions/etc. that I'll be polishing my nails this color soon. ;)

Miss M has an obsession these days. The rule in our house has always been one video when we get home from 'school' while mommy rests her feet for 10 minutes before making dinner. Well, she's in the princess phase, so I ordered this when it went on sale at Amazon. is her FAVORITE! She knows it's real title, but still asks to watch 'Bay-el' (that's 'Belle' with a rather thick southern accent. {where did THAT come from?!}) We watch it every. single. day. Even hubs and I hear all of the songs in our head while showering, typing on the computer, pulling weeds, trying to fall asleep... I suppose we may need an intervention for her.

At home, our plants are famished. Due to local water rationing, we're down to watering one day per week with sprinklers. Eek!! So, that means hand watering. So far, I think the only victim has been one small azalea bush. I keep watering it in hopes that it will regenerate, but I see a trash can funeral in our future. I try to be a good gardener, but water rationing ain't helpin' me.

More to come soon. I've got a new organizational plan I'm going to try, so hopefully that will encourage more blogging. ;)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

(little) Big Fish

Saturdays are swim class days. Madelyn has a major crush on her swim instructor. He's in the Core of Cadets at A & M!! Really nice and funny guy. By the end of this summer, she'll be swimming independently through the water. Hard to imagine, but Madelyn is determined, very brave and confident. She is the youngest in her class of 3 swimmers, but is already a show off! These are pictures from the first class.

I really thought she might be anxious about me and daddy not being in the water with her, but as usual, she proved me wrong. Such a fearless little girl.