Saturday, July 4, 2009

Walking - sort of...

She's a pro at taking this back and forth across the living room. Shouldn't be long now before she walks! Happy Independence Day, from our home to yours!


Alicia Brunson said...

It won't be long!!

Hope said...

Hey there!
I thought I'd let you guys know that we got your invite to her birthday party! Unfortunately, I will be in Iowa for work that weekend. Big I.T. project that is requiring several weekends of work, but hopefully that's going to be over after that weeekend. And I don't know if Tim is brave enough to face a one year old's birthday party by know :) BUT we really do want to get together sometime. Even if we meet up on the weekend at the zoo, or at the park or something simple like that, we'd love to get together. I think in August, early august things will calm down a bit with me and my work. Let us know?