Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day

Who would have thought that a forecast two days ago that predicted 1-3 inches of snow would bring 7+ inches? In TEXAS?! And, in case you're's STILL snowing outside right now!

My favorite - BIG, fluffy flakes!

Madelyn wasn't quite sure what to think. You would figure she's an expert in snow now with all that we've had down here this winter, but she still looks so confused.

She walked around. Laughed at me while I shoveled the driveway. Slipped and fell a couple of times. But she got right back up and kept going.

I made her a snowball. She thought this was the greatest thing EVER.

She examined it carefully. Never licked it. Just protected it as if it were very fragile.

She carried it everywhere and when it came time to go inside, left it amongst the piles of shoveled snow and waved goodbye.

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