Friday, August 5, 2011

It's in the mail

Have you noticed how much the USPS has been in the news lately? Nope? Just Me?
Well, if it's not postage rate increases, it's budget shortfalls and potential shutdowns of local offices.
This makes me sad.
Remember when that was the only - I mean ONLY - way to communicate with friends, family, utility companies, catalogs, medical offices, etc etc etc?? {Ok, maybe we had phones to do SOME of that, but still...}
I love opening cards. I love sending cards. I love checking the mailbox. I love the idea of a piece of mail traveling slowly across the interstates, highways, city streets, and cul-de-sacs to get to its final destination. And a stamp makes all that happen! Brilliant.
I got a beautiful wedding invitation in the mail a few weeks ago and could. not. wait. to return the RSVP!
I wish people sent cards for more than just Christmas, birthdays, and weddings. {And NO, Hallmark did NOT pay me to say such things.}
And I'm one of those nerds that enjoys looking at the latest stamp designs and trying to make up a reason to send something just so I can happily place stamp on an envelope.
I guess I'm old school or nostalgic or something, but paper, cards, stationery, invitations, are just so fun, unique, and personal in comparison to their electronic counterparts.
I wish I had more time to be able to send a card for every ocassion, big or small, in people's lives. That's the tricky part for me. Finding time.

And because who doesn't love football - less than ONE month until the Sooners take the field for their season opener! The suspense is killing me {kinda like the heat.} And, to go back to our previous topic, can't wait to see this year's ticket design. Boomer!
This one is for my sister, who loves feet... {and for those that wondered how blue nail polish would look on one's toes.} I like how it looks, but it's time for a change.