Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fun at home

So, one of the HUGE blessings of working at a private university is the amount of holiday time you get off. Plus, I took an extra two days so that Madelyn and I could enjoy two whole weeks together. It's been interesting to see/experience how different she is as a baby. The last time I stayed home several days in a row with her by myself was while I was on maternity leave. She's a completely more mature and easily entertained baby now. Not as needy, which has its advantages and disadvantages. She loves to play and is trying her hardest to figure out how to crawl. She picks up things and has started every parent's favorite game of "Drop-the-toy." She's eating a lot now. She drinks 32 ozs. a day still and eats a pretty large sized dinner of pears mixed with rice cereal. She didn't like the pears by themselves, so we tried a little cocktail.
Here's what we did on Sunday afternoon:

I'm awake. She's not. I love Sunday naps! I also love her socks on the floor by the couch. So tiny.

I think I've mentioned this before, but Madelyn has figured out the camera. So, I have to be quick and get it primed and ready where she can't see it. I managed to get this shot of her yesterday when we were playing. She was having a great time!

Trying to pose with her head on her hand. And because I never take enough pictures of Madelyn and Daddy, here's a pretty cute one from this evening. I can't believe she'll be 5 months old tomorrow!

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