Monday, December 1, 2008

Thankful for so much

It was a pretty eventful few days off from work and daycare around our house.
She worked more on trying to roll over from her back to her tummy.

This is usually about as far as she gets. She just can't seem to get that left shoulder out of her way. Jonathan's working on it though with her every night.

Thanksgiving morning brought lots of fun - rice cereal!

This is the before...

And, my favorite - the after!! We tried some more the next day with her a little more reclined and she took to it much better. But, the one hazard that no one warned me about - constipation. We're taking a few days off and we'll try again with it even more diluted.

I did manage to make a pretty nice Thanksgiving meal with a little help from the professionals:

Here's us with the turkey:

We're so thankful for our family and the sweet baby girl that God brought into our lives. It's hard to believe that one year ago we found out we were expecting quite the miracle. I can still remember being completed shocked when the nurse called to tell me the news. We were completely surprised and delighted in how God had his own timeframe in mind. Who knows what the next year will bring, but for now, we're thankful!

1 comment:

Amanda @ Life in bloom said...

Hey there, I don't know if you want advice or not, but we had the same constipation issue with cereal at first. Our pedi said to give her 1oz white grape juice (gerber) and 1oz water, once or twice a day, and that she might need that every other day or so until she starts on fruits and veggies. Hope that helps!